These STEM CELL VIDEOS on this page Reveal the TRUTH about our God-Given STEM CELLS to HEAL & Regenerate our body... and the Importance of DAILY STEM CELL NUTRITION
More Circulating Stem Cells in our blood , are responsible for Regenerating and Healing Sick, Diseased, Injured and Aging bodies FASTER !

***Doctors told me I had ONE HOUR to LIVE ! Watch VIDEO Below .... 

Watch the Video...Learn about Mesenchymal Stem Cells and
CD34 Hematopioetic Stem Cells

Amazing VIDEO .. Building HEARTS from Adult Stem Cells
Proven Medical Science ..
NOT Science Fiction
... What's Next ??

Dick Van Dyke believes in
Adult Stem Cells Repairing the Body


These videos reveal why many people die while regulators take years to evaluate new Stem Cell Options. We discover many facts that can change the lives of many people through out the world from witnessing the testimonies included in these stem cell videos.

Australians with type 2 diabetes are signing up for a costly, unproven stem cell "cure" at a South American clinic. The San Nicolas Clinic says 89 per cent of its patients are insulin and medication-free 90 days after being injected with their own stem cells. The treatment costs US 30,000 +.

Some patients who have undergone the same stem-cell therapy for heart disease - which is illegal in all Western countries - say it has given them "a new lease on life". But the world's leading stem-cell scientists warn that patients desperate for a miracle cure are putting themselves at grave risk by undergoing a treatment yet to be fully tested in humans. Many stem cell videos are being produced to document the Stem Cell Options that are available.

The San Nicolas Clinic is bank-rolled by a US energy corporation and is part of the International Clinics of Regenerative Medicine. ICORM director Mike Bartlett said more than 300 patients had been successfully treated for heart disease, diabetes, emphysema and Parkinson's disease at its hospitals in South America and Asia.

Mr. Bartlett spent last week in Sydney meeting diabetes specialists and cardiologists to encourage them to refer their end-stage patients. To date, 31 Australians with type2 diabetes and seven with heart disease had indicated a wish to travel to Argentina as soon as possible, and a further 208 had made inquiries, he said.

Dr. Ross Walker, a Sydney Adventist Hospital cardiologist and author of the bestselling book The Cell Factor, said he would travel to the San Nicolas Clinic early next year to assess the claims for himself. "I believe it is the next big thing in medicine but I want to see solid scientific evidence that it doesn't do any harm before recommending it for the wider population," he said.

Under the patented process, 250 milliliters of a patient's blood is manipulated to yield millions of therapeutic stem cells. The cells are then injected into the diseased organ or tissue. Patients are usually sent home within two days.

Numerous patients have testified to the "miraculous" effects of the treatment, which uses adult stem cells, not the more ethically-questionable embryonic stem cells.

Keith Fanning said the $70,000 he spent flying his dying father, Mick, 75, to Bangkok for stem-cell therapy was "the best $70,000 I ever spent". Oxygen-dependent and barely able to walk before the procedure in July, Mr. Fanning's ejection fraction (EF) - the measurement of the capacity at which the heart is pumping - increased so much that he can now breathe, talk and eat on his own.

His insulin dependency is also down and his violent shaking from Parkinson's has virtually disappeared.

"I'm the ultimate skeptic and it's the closest thing I've seen to a miracle," he said from his Queensland home. Hopefully, in the future ,this process and procedure could be documented with more stem cell videos.


In October, Lynley White, from Melbourne, spent $45,000 to have 30 stem-cell injections in her heart after traditional drug therapy failed to improve her cardiomyopathy.

There are some stem cell videos available of this therapy and procedure. "My doctors laughed at me and said I had rocks in my head but so far so good. I'm feeling more and more energetic," she said. At 62, she was unlikely to receive the heart transplant she needed to keep going. Of the 120 people who have tried the treatment at Bangkok Heart Hospital, four have died.

But Mrs. White said her only fear was she would not survive the anesthetic. "My ejection fraction was getting lower and lower - it got down to 12 when it should be 55 plus - and I thought 'I've got to help myself'," she said. Immediately after treatment her EF rating was up by 64 per cent.

Dr. Teija Peura, director of human embryonic stem cell laboratories at the Australian Stem Cell Centre, said: "It's understandable that patients who are desperate can't wait for treatment to go through the approval process but it's dangerous because these countries are giving treatment which they don't know how or why [it] works."

The International Society for Stem Cell Research said the only stem cell-based therapy with clearly proven efficacy was bone marrow transplantation for blood disorders and leukemia.

Learn more about your Stem Cell Healing by viewing this LIFE Changing Stem Cell Video

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FACT: STEM CELLS Rebuild and Renew Bodies .. WATCH VIDEOS .... Then, Please Research and Investigate ALL Your

Stem Cell Video Series Coverage Direct From The Howard Hughes Medical Center

Video 1 of 2

Video 2 of 2

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These articles, products, statements, testimonials, reviews, and videos, have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. They are for educational and informational purposes only and do not constitute medical advice. The opinions expressed herein are those of the authors and ANY products mentioned or referenced are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent ANY disease or illness.


**** For MORE information on supporting your body’s natural ability to release stem cells, oxygenate stem cells ... and to take advantage of any wellness opportunities involving optimal health ,stem cells, stem cell enhancers and liquid stabilized OXYGEN CLICK HERE for the Latest BREAKING Stem Cell WELLNESS NEWS