More Stem Cells released with Stem Cell Nutrition Sure Helped Me Recover!

by Gerry

Me and my Husband, Tom.

Me and my Husband, Tom.

In early 2009 I was diagnosed with a colon problem.( the “big C” ) After surgery, three different doctors told me my body was free of any renegade cells .. my colon problem was corrected , and I did not need any chemo.

Eight months later, in 2010 it had spread to three different locations and was classified as stage four. I was then given heavy doses of chemo for six months, and then again declared free of the “big C”.

In august of 2011, I then suffered a stroke, impairing my left side. When I was physically able to go back to the oncologist in 2012 and the ensuing pet scan showed that the colon problem had once again returned.

This was followed by another series of chemo. The chemo treatments literally sucked the life of me. For a period of four years I had very little energy and no stamina.

Then, thank God I got an email about the world’s first stem cell nutrition company. I was advised to give the SE2 stem cell nutrition capsules at least six months to mobilize (Release) a daily, constant supply of Millions more stem cells into blood circulation for stem cells to do their “ Repair Work” in the body.

*** 2 capsules..(1 gram of advanced formula StemEnhance SE2 is proven to release 4 to 6 million bone marrow adult stem cells within 2 hours of consumption )

I was told the AFA patented StemEnhance SE2 capsules are a Natural Food … and the vital job they do is Release millions MORE of my own bone marrow stem cells into my blood stream. It is the fresh Stem Cells that help DO ALL the body renewing and regenerating.

My body didn’t get as “Sick” or as "Weak" as it was in just a few weeks … I understood I’d have to give the stem cells time to multiply into the “Right Numbers” for the repair process .. plus the migration process of the stem cells into all the tissues and organs that needed renewal, for any noticeable rejuvenation to occur.

I began taking SE2 capsules and Stem Flo capsules ( StemFLO supports natural circulation of adult stem cells ) about four months ago. About six weeks after the last chemo treatment I began having more Energy.

I feel so much better and am able to do more work within my physical limitations since all these health problems began. I can literally go all day long and not feel exhausted .. and I am only an 84 year young gal !

Upon doing some research,I realize Every Day we have stem cells that become damaged, diseased and die. To maintain a balance of good health and age gracefully, we must REPLACE those dying stem cells with a supply of fresh stem cells. It's like balancing the "LIVING and DYING" of our body.

Our own adult stem cells constitute our body natural RENEWAL SYSTEM.. But, we need MORE stem cells as we Age and have health issues. That's where stem cell nutrition supplementation comes to the Rescue.

My adult stem cells are sure doing their work. Stem cells work every time.. and I'll sure continue taking my stem cell nutrition capsules EVERY DAY for proactive wellness, health maintenance and to slow down aging .. Praise God !

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Adult Stem Cells WORK, every TIME!
by: Laurence Chilcott

The TRUTH is out there, our very own 'adult stem cells' WORK . . and please understand this, your local GP wont mention them to you, under any circumstances or whatever your health issue is; for reasons which will become obvious to you ie. you keep visiting them any time your sick, right
For those of us who believe in God, why dont you trust in his gift of healing power???????
Our stem cells WORK and guess what, their FREE . .remember when the Son said :"Physician HEAL thyself . .what do you think he was telling us?
Love your 'stem cells' I do
May the healing power remain with us always
Laurence Chilcott

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